ξ★斬逝°× 發表於 28-7-2008 11:31:31

An one will read english books/newspaper?

An one will read english books/newspaper?

辣手摧花 發表於 28-7-2008 12:20:27

I always read English book.
I borrow it form library.

solo:) 發表於 29-7-2008 12:37:07

I always read english book.

It's effective for us to learning English.

Remember that:When we meet the difficult words,dont give up easily.You can

check the meaning in dictionary.

If you put an effort in that,you english will be better:)

tatson 發表於 29-7-2008 21:58:57

i've never read an eng book since i was born

花老爺 發表於 29-7-2008 22:01:31

I only read student Standed .
It's interesting.

[H]jy04668677 發表於 30-7-2008 01:41:03

I only read in the interent[]

K!nG哥 發表於 30-7-2008 21:08:28

I read South China Morning Post only

仁~之初 發表於 9-8-2008 00:51:48

I watch SCMP recently

AaRo 發表於 9-8-2008 12:39:58

i always read newspaper.

[M]aRc 發表於 9-8-2008 17:44:59

I only see the book which talke about my interest
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