樓主: terry00019
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People who once failed in Eng will fear no more

發表於 4-11-2006 23:41:26 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 terry00019 於 2006-11-4 23:27 發表

To point out each other mistakes is the aim here.
As old saying: 多一個人多一個腦.It is much better than one teacher at school.

i think its a matter of time to learn english~
you cant improve much by just pointing out people's mistake and accepting your own mistakes~
i think asking teachers are much more better way than here~
you can use some tutorial time ask the teacher one on one for help~
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發表於 5-11-2006 05:13:59 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #268 terry00019 的帖子

i will just come here to cheat some points, that's it then~:lol \

also, i think "harder" , "more difficult" or "more complex" is better than just using the word "hard"~
furthermore, i suggest you add "you" in front of "guys" instead of just saying "that guys"~

[ 本帖最後由 ShadowSlave 於 2006-11-5 07:25 編輯 ]
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發表於 5-11-2006 07:56:28 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #272 kelvincky 的帖子

it doesnt really matter who started it~

(there's 1 point~:lol )
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發表於 5-11-2006 08:05:37 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #275 閻羅王↗子孫㊣ 的帖子

you dont need to delete....=.=
if you delete it...
it means that you cant face the reality of that its grammatically wrong~
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發表於 5-11-2006 12:26:02 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #283 terry00019 的帖子

first, it should be you guys~
if you want to say "all guys" i think you should add "the" in between the word~

second, you said,"Oh...you get wrong" is that i think this sentence is grammatically wrong
i think "Oh...you got it wrong." should be better~  

third, i think there is a comparsion between the words you meant that were the "easiler" ones and the "harder" ones~
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發表於 5-11-2006 23:39:51 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #290 terry00019 的帖子

maybe i misunderstood your meaning, you can say guys instead of you guys~
but when you talk about some people, you say those guys~ you guys~
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發表於 5-11-2006 23:56:03 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #347 terry00019 的帖子

thx for your appriecation~
but my english is still very bad~
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發表於 6-11-2006 01:10:31 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #350 [m]達人 的帖子

that one is a international school now~
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發表於 6-11-2006 23:03:48 | 顯示全部樓層
so what are you guys talking about now...?:lol
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發表於 6-11-2006 23:08:38 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #472 小求 的帖子

its always those ways to improve eng....=.=
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